4IR Technologies South Africa needs
I recently presented at a National Science and Technology Forum discussion titled “Technology transfer in manufacturing and minerals processing – 4IR technologies South Africa needs to acquire”
I took a different view and did not promote any specific technologies but rather the need for infrastructure and regulatory frameworks that will allow any manufacturers in South Africa to take advantage of 4IR. Obviously course skills development forms an integral part of the framework suggested.Read More
Skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The shortage of skills in South Africa has become a core issue in discussions on economic growth, service delivery, social development and productivity and has resulted in skills shortages being at the heart of many government strategies. These skill shortages have continued, and in some cases escalated, despite a number of policy interventions designed to develop and improve the skills of the South African existing and future workforce. Read More
The Future of Jobs in Banking
The Accenture report, Education and technology skills research, looks at job categories and predicts where people will be replaced via automation or supplemented with technology to make their jobs easier. Customer service roles such as retail and banking staff would fit into the Physical Activity cluster.Read More
WorldSkills – Kazan, Russia
The competition this year covered 56 skill areas with more then 1300 competitors from 63 countries as well as 13 Junior and 25 transforming or emerging future skills. The event created a showcase of young people’s success.Read More
Africa Code Week Launch
I recently attended the World Skills Competition and Conference in Kazan Russia, where over 1300 competitors, from 63 countries competed in over 50 traditional skills ranging from Landscaping to Welding.Read More
Faith Mangope Technology & Leadership Institute Launch
The Faith Mangope Technology and Leadership Institute is established to align Africa’s youth, particularly women, with a working environment governed by the 4th Industrial Revolution.
To Educate, Empower, and Equip African women about Jobs 4.0, thereby assuming the role of catalyst for the success of their future career endeavours . We also want to provide a support structure for women who are interested in working and becoming entrepreneurs in the ICT Sector.Read More